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Saturday, April 28, 2018

Die Weltbühne

Die Weltbühne (English: "The World scene") was a weekly magazine focusing on art and politics. It was founded in Berlin in 1905 by Siegfried Jacobsohn and was originally a theater magazine under the title Die Schaubühne (The Theatrical Scene). After the death of Jacobsohn in 1926, Kurt Tucholsky took over the direction of publication, which he handed to Carl von Ossietzky in May 1927. The Nazis banned it after the Reichstag fire and its latest issue appeared in March 1933. In exile the magazine was published under the title Die neue Weltbühne ("The new world scene").

In addition to Jacobsohn, Tucholsky and Ossietzky, the contributors included prominent writers and journalists such as Erich Kästner, Alfred Polgar, Arnold Zweig, Manfred George, Lion Feuchtwanger and Else Lasker-Schüler.  

Even at its peak, Die Weltbühne did not sell more than 15,000 copies, but they succeeded in several journalistic scoops, including the discovery of the Feme murders in the Black Reichswehr’s paramilitary groups, as well as reports on the secret rearmament of the army, which later led to the so-called Weltbühne-Trials.

Here follows an English version of an article by Carl Mertens, published originally anonymously, in 1925. Mertens, after leaving the military life had become a pacifist.

The Patriotic Associations (Die Vaterländischen Verbände)

Having been a member of nationalist para-military organizations for several years, I have had ample opportunity to become acquainted with the hideous face of the secret organizations. I can no longer follow the racial hate, egoism and bestiality of these ‘idealists’. It was only with the greatest caution that I was able to withdraw from the ranks of the fanatics, because with the help of the spectre of the feme (political murders), they force disillusioned members who want to turn to more peaceful, constitutional activities, to remain loyal.

I joined the patriotic movement out of genuine enthusiasm for the ideal of the national idea. What I found there was a swamp of the most base attitudes and wretched passions, an atmosphere which was a mixture of the lust for blood and cynicism. Appalled by it, I tried to escape.

The patriotic associations, which are anything but loyal to the constitution, have their secrets. Weapon depots must be hidden, nocturnal manoevers must be performed, and then, of course, there is the coup d’etat which they are all preparing. Of course, only the most loyal and most radical know about it, but they nevertheless fear betrayal. No law protects their murderous weapons from theft, confiscation and re-sale. In these watchful times, one is prepared to pay a lot for the odd ‘war souvenir’. On the other hand, they are often uncomfortable with genuine idealists, because they are likely to to be put off by the methods with which the associations desecrate the cause. So they try to keep their people together by fear of feme justice. Everyone is terrified of their own organization, of rejection, emigration, settlement, or plantation, as they call it in their private jargon. The ‘settlement’ committees are the strongest tie which keeps the members together. This invisible hand grips the throats of every landsknecht (mercenary soldiers).

Even the slightest mistrust of a superior, the slightest misunderstanding is enough to to provoke the lowering beast to strike. I have often seen how members yearned to escape, but were paralyzed by fear. Only a few managed to get away, and even they were never again able to relax. Followed by the Medusa gaze of white death, life became a burden to them. The members of these circles think that they can fight for the freedom of the German people with the brute force and despotism of the middle ages, and the attitude, “They can hate me if they like, as long as they fear me.” As well as such murders for self-protection, there are assassinations, which, however, are planned so long ahead that it can always be proven that the assassin left his organization years ago.

A big butcher of a man, was quartered in my room for a time. One evening he told me the following story. “The day before yesterday, at Zoo station, I read a wanted poster. A body had been found in the Döberitzer Sands, a Lieutenant Sand, who had been missing for weeks. I could have killed myself laughing. A wanted poster for me, and there was a copper dozing ten yards away.” He neighed woodenly in recollection of his cold-bloodedness. “If they had just recognized you!” “Bah!” he clicked his fingers, “it was nothing, just one of lots I have done.”

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